Education Centre for Blind & Visually Impaired.

The objective of the project is to create the spaces in a barrier-free manner. Study the senses and how to utilize them for infrastructure.

We perceive our memories through our eyes; it is the organ of our senses that is more important than the other . We store the captured image in the form of image-ability or memory. It also helps to set up a goal as a result of reflex action.

Location-Kharghar,Navi Mumbai-India

Project Type-Educational Building

Project Architect-Ar.Ketan G.(B.arch-Thesis-2023)

Composed By-Ar.Ketan G.

The project is an institutional building for blind and visually impaired people. This user group is been neglected by society and has the right to navigate in society as well as in the environment without any barrier.

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